
About AI Summit 2024 Budapest

The AI Summit BUDAPEST event series provides a unique opportunity for domestic and international experts and enthusiasts to gain insight into the world of artificial intelligence. It allows them to explore its impact on business, society, and industries. Hungary's leading digital media company, Indamedia, hosted the AI SUMMIT for the first time in 2023, focused on artificial intelligence. Based on the success of the first year, we are confident that AI SUMMIT 2024 will become one of the most important and defining AI and innovation conferences in the CEE region.
House of Music Hungary & Museum of Etnography
09-10 September 2024

Detailed program

Key topics in 2024

Creative and Media industry

Will there still be journalists, photographers, and actors in 10 years?

Creativity. While the hologram is arguing with my partner's avatar, the child is on a class trip to the Roman Empire, "only" in augmented reality. Whether or not we meet in the physical at dinner in the evening depends on who wins the argument. In any case, according to my AI assistant, I've earned enough credits to level up at my bank, so even dinner at a fancy restaurant is within my budget. How futuristic this family picture is, and how the creative industry, media and the latest AI developments are transforming our everyday lives, is what artists, engineers and art directors are trying to answer.


Is prompt writing already a thing of the past?

AI trends 2024 - Is prompts a thing of the past? In a year, new professions have appeared and disappeared. Multimodal ChatGPT 4o answers questions based on both voice and image input. It's more accurate, has a larger memory than its predecessors, is faster and has access to information on the web. But the development of OpenAI is just the surface of AI research and services. In what areas has AI already been integrated into applications and tools? From healthcare to education, from the creative industries to the financial sector, where is AI being used to make work and services faster and easier? Do we know exactly how many tools we have, and who, everyone is trying in this space? Let's take a look with developers at what's already working and what the next year will bring?

Let's take a look with developers at what's already working and what the next year will bring?

AI Act

Risk reduction or real regulation?

AI Act - Risk reduction or effective regulation? The European Parliament adopted the AI Act, which is due to be implemented in the coming months. The EU's Artificial Intelligence Agency will be launched during the Hungarian Presidency.

Defence and space technology

Defence and space technology in the shadow of Starship

Defence and space technology in the shadow of Starship. While it was once clear that military developments inspired the modernisation of the economy, in many areas the knowledge of civilian developers is now being taken over by military technology. Military industry and AI developers are working closely together to ensure that their dual-purpose tools and services drive not only the defence industry, but also the civilian economy.


Not everything is gold in business, but everything is data!

How and how can the corporate sector use AI effectively? Where does data analytics, deep learning end and AI service begin? Let's clarify the concepts to understand what we are talking about!

AI in healthcare

AI in the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry

AI in healthcare. Trends in data-driven, personalised medicine in 2024, when the first dose of personalised cancer treatment injections were given to patients in the UK, and when the vice president of Nvidia, the world's third largest company, predicted that generative AI is likely to have the biggest impact in healthcare.

The new era of neobanks

A new world for banks, equity traders and financial institutions

The new era of neobanks. We have become accustomed to some banks offering services without a physical account, but security issues are still keeping large numbers of people away from these services. How does a traditional large bank, financial services or stockbroking firm keep up with technological developments? Is it possible for AI-supported neobanks to gain an advantage?

Machine-human interaction

How do we learn to coexist with artificial intelligence? (public education, public services, universities) 

Machine-human interaction, or how do we learn to live with artificial intelligence? Evolution is all about adaptation. Is it true that we live in the 21st century with a stone-age brain and although we are enthusiastic about modern tools, we are not really able to control their development and use? Questions and answers based on research by social scientists, psychologists and sociologists.

Artificial Intelligence workshops for beginners and professionals.

Tips and tricks for everydays

Artificial Intelligence workshops for beginners and professionals. If you want to see exactly how it works, who can control it, what commands it listens to, what are the right questions to ask, come and join the workshops at the conference so that we can learn not only from machines, but also from each other.

Tilesch György

Ambassador of AI Summit 2024 Budapest

Dr. George Tilesch, Founder and President – PHI INSTITUTE for Augmented Intelligence
is a leading global AI expert. He has worked with corproate and government leaders worldwide, Fortune 50 tech firms, Microsoft, Ipsos, and international organizations like the World Economic Forum. Specializing in AI strategy, ethics, policy, and governance, he co-authored the popular book "BetweenBrains: Taking Back our AI Future". Tilesch serves on Harvard's Experfy AI Talent platform board, is the AI Ambassador of Neumann Society, and holds an honorary doctorate from Universitas Quinqueecclesiensis.


All speakers

Those who are sure to tell their thoughts

Dr. George Tilesch

Founder and President
PHI INSTITUTE for Augmented Intelligence

Dr. Jeni László Attila

research professor
Robotikai Intézet, Carnegie Mellon Egyetem

Dr. Kiss László

Director General, Astronomer

Dr. Schum Kristóf

Generative AI Segment Leader, EMEA
Amazon Web Services

Dr. Szócska Miklós

dean, SE – EKK

Dr. Tuan Trinh

Regional Director
EIT Digital

Keleti Arthur

Cyber-Secret Futurist, Founder, Organizer, Book Author

Szabó Péter

Microsoft Magyarország

Szolnoki Szabolcs

Deputy State Secretary
Nemzetgazdasági Minisztérium

Tomasz Stachlewski (USA)

Head of Technology | Cloud Expert | Speaker | Trainer
Amazon Web Services (AWS)

W. Szabó Péter

founder, owner

Dr. Vécsey Richárd Ádám

Deep Learning Specialist, Data Specialist

Császár Előd

AI artist, performer

Deák András

Director of Digital Channels

Dr. Kóka János


Fazekas Bálint

Vöröskő Kft. (Euronics HU)

Gaschitz Ágnes

architectural engineer, process development engineer

Nánási Pál

photo artist

Szauder Dávid

AI artist, Berlin

Szekeres Viktor

founder, president
Gloster Infokommunikációs Nyrt

Weiler Péter

visual artist

Dr. Frederik G. Pferdt (USA)

Google's First and Former Chief Innovation Evangelist

Giovanni Tridente

Director of Communications & Professor
PUSC - Pontificia Università della Santa Croce

Martin H. Thelle (Denmark)

Senior Partner
Implement Consulting Group

Szalay-Bobrovniczky Kristóf

Minister of National Defense of Hungary



Why is it worth coming?

AI SUMMIT 2024 will become one of the most important and defining AI and innovation conferences in the CEE region.
Well known experts
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News and interviews

A mesterséges intelligencia már nagyon sok mindenben meghaladja az embert

Az Indamedia cégcsoport szeptember 11-én a Magyar Zene Házában rendezte meg Közép-Európa legnagyobb AI-konferenciáját. Az egyik legnagyobb sikert Tielesch György előadása aratta

Az nem kreatívipar, amit helyettesíteni tud egy robot

A médiapiac nagy kérdése, hogy mit kezdjenek a vállalatok a mesterséges intelligencia miatt felszabadult munkaerővel.

AI Summit 2023: Egy asztal köré ülünk és belenézünk a jövőbe

Asztaltáncoltatás és kristálygömb nem lesz, cserébe nagyszabású, egyszerre több helyszínen zajló konferencia igen.

„Mintha verset írnék, csak szöveg helyett képben” – Szauder Dávid-interjú

A hosszú évek óta Berlinben élő, bár egy éve Magyarországon tartózkodó képzőművész, vizuális alkotó, Szauder Dávid is ott lesz a Magyar Zene Házában megrendezésre kerülő konferencián

You don't have to work anymore: GPT 4o will take your job

We talked about GPT 4o, the model launched by OpenAI, with cyber futurist Arthur Keleti.

Are We ready for the AI?

AI has brought a paradigm change to both business and academic life. However, the question is how ready your organization is to build its operations on artificial intelligence.


Friend or foe? We can see it as a help, but also a danger : artificial intelligence is here with us, so we must understand it and prepare for it!

AI: will it declare the tax for you or run over Ukraine?

According to artificial intelligence expert George Tilesch, countries have very different strategies for what AI is used for.

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Eszter Török

+36 30 487 4912



1036 Budapest, Lajos utca 48-66.